
The 2025 Pirtek Fishing Challenge features incredible prize packs for the longest fish in senior (1st – 4th longest) section and junior section (1st – 3rd longest).

Plus there are $2000 and $1600 ‘Mystery Length’ cash prizes awarded in each of the 25 target species in the senior section, and $200 prize packs in the junior section.

These prizes are all provided by our partners Pirtek Fluid Systems, Berkley, Abu Garcia, Mako Eyeware, Valvoline, Lowrance, Yeti and BCF.

NOTE – Photos used here are for illustration purposes only and may not denote the actual prizes.

Even if you don’t catch a big one, all competitors* have a chance to win part of our ‘On The Water’ prize draw.

Click here for details

South Australian residents are not eligible for the “On the Water” prize section of the Pirtek Fishing Challenge.

Prizes on Offer

These prizes are available for each of the 25 target species across Australia:

Mystery Length 1st Prize $2000 cash
Mystery Length 2nd Prize $1600 cash
1st Prize $1270 prize pack pack, courtesy of Berkley, Abu Garcia, Mako and Valvoline
2nd Prize $870 prize pack, courtesy of Yeti, Mako, and Valvoline
3rd Prize $499 Lowrance Hook Reveal 5 SplitShot Fishfinder
4th Prize $450 prize pack, courtesy of Yeti
Junior Mystery Length $200 prize pack from Berkley/ABU Garcia
1st Junior $400 BCF gift voucher
2nd Junior $300 prize pack from Berkley/ABU Garcia
3rd Junior $200 prize pack from Berkley/ABU Garcia

The monetary value of prizes from our commercial partners is based on recommended retail pricing and not discounted third party/retailer pricing.